SIE THEMA 2019-2021
Soroptimist insists in CONTINUITY and CONSISTENCY and the SIE Board decided to focus on
3 objectives related to the biennium theme of SIE President Anna Wszelaczyńska
1. Education to eradicate illiteracy and to gain self confidence
2. Education like a mean and tool to eliminate violence against women
3. Education as a tool to achieve women economic empowerment and their independence
SIE THEMA 2015-2017
Soroptimists Invest in Education
All Clubs are invited to join the SIE Project:
SIE THEMA 2013-2015
Let’s go green – Working for a healthy environment”.
SIE THEMA 2011-2013
Soroptimists go for water – Water and Food”
SIE THEMA 2009-2011
Soroptimists go for water – Water and Sanitation”.
SIE THEMA 2005-2007
Let us build peace through local heritage.
SIE THEMA 2001-2003
EDUCATION – The Key to Progress.
SIE THEMA 2001-2003
EDUCATION – The Key to Progress.
SIE THEMA 1999-2003
Soroptimists go for water.
SIE THEMA 1995-1997
Multiculturalism through friendship without borders Appell der Föderationspräsidentin Irmeli Torssonen.
SIE THEMA 1993-1995